
EMDR Therapy: Can it Help Me?

Public opinion on mental health is shifting, and growing attention for the need to address mental health challenges has resulted in an increasing number of people interested in popular treatment approaches, including EMDR. But what is EMDR, and is it the right treatment option for you?

EMDR: What it is

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is an 8-phase treatment protocol developed by Francine Shapiro beginning in 1987. Over the last 30 years, a growing body of research attests to the validity and efficacy of EMDR to treat a host of mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

So how does it work? Well, to put it simply, all of our experiences are stored in the brain in a vast neural network. We access these experiences not only by our memory of them, but by the thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that resulted from the experience. This includes our understanding of what happened and why, as well as the story it tells of who we are. The accessing of this information occurs both consciously and subconsciously when new experiences integrate with old ones and add to the meaning we make out of our lives.

When the experience is particularly negative or traumatic, the storing of that information can become fragmented. The emotions, physical sensations, and thoughts that accompany the traumatic event are stored in such a way that it tricks the body and the brain into believing that the threat from that event remains in daily life, even years after the experience. This explains how someone who suffered physical abuse as a child may continue to demonstrate high levels of anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of shame as a successful adult no longer in danger of mistreatment.

EMDR utilizes the brain’s natural use of eye movements during rapid eye movement (REM sleep) to access these stored memories safely while awake to facilitate the reprocessing of these fragmented memories which leads to resolution of the present symptoms.

Is EMDR right for you?

EMDR is considered to be a highly effective treatment for a host of psychiatric illnesses, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; however, it is not limited to ‘capital-T trauma.’ EMDR can be helpful for anyone experiencing unpleasant or uncomfortable feelings associated with past and present negative experiences. It has been demonstrated to be effective in treating anxiety, depression, addictions, and eating disorders. It can be used in treatment for children and adolescents, couples, and those suffering with debilitating phobias.

Ultimately, whether EMDR is right for you will depend on your own individual experiences as well as your ability to cope with intense emotions. A counselor trained in EMDR can be a great source of information and can help you determine if you’re ready to undergo EMDR treatment.

At Tapestry Counseling, we have an EMDR Certified Therapist, as well an additional EMDR-trained therapists available to discuss this option with you, and all of our therapists are trauma-informed. Feel free to contact us at 903-316-5711 or at, for more information.

You can learn more about EMDR by visiting and by watching the videos below.